Development of an automated general temperature correction method for dielectric sensors

This study developed an automated general temperature correction method for dielectric sensors which require neither on-site rainfall data nor soil property information. The automated general temperature correction method was developed and tested using 43 soil moisture monitoring stations covering four major climates and six major soil types. The in situ data sets used in this study were observed with four commercially available dielectric sensors. The results indicated that the automated temperature correction developed in this study is capable of eliminating temperature effects from dielectrically measured soil water content data regardless of the differences in sensor type, climatic condition and site or soil conditions. Further, it has been found that due to temperature effects of dielectric sensors, actual daily average of SWC has also changed substantially in comparison to the ±1% specification.

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  • Thank you for this interesting paper. Would you be so kind next time to include the appropriate references to the ISMN as mentioned in the Terms and Conditions point 5?

    Thank you,
    the ISMN team

  • edited January 2017

    Thank you for your reading and pointing out the problems.

    Now the manuscript have been replaced by the final version prepared for the proceeding which will be published in January 2017.
    In the new manuscript, reference list and acknowledgments are revised.

    A reference both to the ISMN and to all networks we used is given.

    Thank you again.

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